Das Ehepaar Christoph und Claudia Wagner, die Gründer der österreichischen Parfum Marke CWC.

The married couple Christoph and Claudia Wagner, the founders of the Austrian perfume brand CWC.


We, Claudia and Christoph Wagner, aimed to transform the diversity and beauty of Austria into high-quality Eau de Parfum.

To achieve this, we launched the CWC brand and founded CWC Handels GmbH in 2021, based in Gmunden, Upper Austria.

Today, we are delighted to offer unique fragrances that our customers love and that reflect the essence of Austria.

Im Vordergrund sehen Sie die Manschettenknöpfe von Christoph Wagner, welche anlässlich der Hochzeit entstanden und schon damals das erste CWC Logo trugen.

In the foreground you can see Christoph Wagner's cufflinks, which were created for the wedding and already bore the first CWC logo at the time.


CWC represents the initials of our names:
Claudia and Christoph Wagner

The brand name originated from the cufflinks we designed for our wedding.

During the course of the project development, we revisited this idea and developed the current CWC Eau de Parfum logo from the original design.

CWC Eau de Parfum GRÜNER HIRSCH / GREEN STAG 75ml GMUNDNER Keramik Edition


From the very beginning of product development, we placed special emphasis on long-lasting fragrances of the highest quality, appealing design, and added value.

AND - particularly important to us: MADE IN AUSTRIA

GMUNDNER KERAMIK (founded in 1492) is our licensing partner and exclusively produces the high-quality, reusable ceramic sleeves for CWC’s 75ml perfumes.