Austrian Eau de Parfum by CWC: The GREEN STAG and GREYFLAME


Since 2021, the CWC brand has been synonymous with exclusive niche fragrances, transforming the landscapes, traditions, and culture of Austria into exquisite Eau de Parfum.


The handcrafted GMUNDNER ceramics (established in 1492) make each 75ml perfume a sustainable design object that can be reused after the fragrance is finished.

Lovingly produced in Austria.

We wish you great joy in exploring our fragrance collection!

CWC TRAVEL SIZE Edition 20ml


1 x GREEN STAG 20ml
1 x GREYFLAME 20ml

DER GRÜNE HIRSCH repräsentiert die alpine Landschaft Österreichs und ist ein hochwertiges Eau de Parfum für Liebhaber von frischen, leichten Düften.

Schöne Stunden im Salzkammergut; 
Schneebedeckte Berge, grüne Almwiesen, Bergwälder und kühle erfrischende Gebirgsbäche...
Liebevoll hergestellt in Österreich!


interprets the diverse natural landscape of Austria:
snow-capped mountains, lush green alpine meadows, cold mountain streams, clear lakes, fresh air
Motto: Recharge your batteries in Austria's nature

Eau de Parfum / 20% fragrance oil content / unisex / made in Austria

CWC Eau de Parfum GRAUGEFLAMMT: Der perfekte Duftbegleiter für die Salzburger Festspiele oder den Wiener Opernball.

CWC Eau de Perfume GREYFLAME: The perfect fragrance companion for the Salzburg Festival or the Vienna Opera Ball.


Eau de Parfum / 20% fragrance oil content / unisex / made in Austria

interprets the art and culture of Austria
smells warming, sensual, opulent
Motto: A stylish evening in Salzburg

Handgefertigte Keramikflakons: Exklusiv für CWC von GMUNDNER Keramik. Die nachhaltigen Parfumflakons sind Unikate und vereinen Design mit Funktionalität.

Handmade ceramic flacons: Exclusively for CWC by GMUNDNER Keramik. The sustainable perfume bottles are unique and combine design with functionality.


GMUNDNER KERAMIK (est. 1492) produces lovingly by hand exclusively for CWC the decorative ceramic sleeves of the 75 ML perfumes.

Design licensed by


Once the perfume is finished, the GMUNDNER ceramic and glass bottle can be easily separated in hot water. The handcrafted ceramic piece can then be repurposed as a stylish design object.


I smelled Green Stag last year and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I was very happy to see that CWC now offers shipping to the USA!

Eva D.

I'm a total perfume freak...
I bought the deer scent, it smells totally extravagant and fresh to me. The scent has been asked several times and received compliments. So it should suit me well...

Vanessa M.
Vienna, AT

Man merkt, dass
dieses Parfüm hochwertig ist. Es wird in Österreich gemacht und hält lange.
Sehr angenehm.


Mag beide Düfte von euch echt voll, Kombination ist genial. Mein Mann weiß schon, was ich mir Weihnachten wüsche.

Dani H.

Highly priced but good. Gladly again.

Bernhard K.
Krems, AT

The order arrived today and I am so pleased to have been able to purchase online having discovered this wonderful
perfume when in Vienna in December

Susan K.
Stockholm, SWE

We were in Salzburg and there we got to know the scents. I bought both scents for my wife as a souvenir. We both love the deer, but the yellow scent is a bit too strong for me. The repeat order to Switzerland worked wonderfully.

Peter G.
Montreux, CH

Looking for a present from our ski holidays - CWC perfume is amazing - it is not cheap but it is unique - the ceramic sleeve is a wonderful reminder of the mountains

David L.
London, UK

I like both scents very much, I like the combination best. It somehow has a very special touch

Maria E.
Munich, DE

I'm a total Gmundner ceramics lover and that's why I bought the 🦌 scent.
I really like it and it smells fresh. Not cheap because it's handmade.

Elizabeth H.
Linz, AT


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Der Grüne Hirsch hinterlässt seine Spuren - ein Duft, der in Erinnerung bleibt.

    CWC Eau de Perfume, made in Austria
    At CWC Eau de Parfum, we place great importance on local production. By manufacturing in Austria, we ensure the highest quality standards and conserve resources. Additionally, we support the regional economy and create jobs. Our customers appreciate the transparency and trust that come with fair production conditions.
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    CWC Layering Eau de Parfum
    The CWC fragrances GREEN STAG 🦌 and GREYFLAME are LAYERING EAU DE PARFUMS, which means you can combine them wonderfully with each other and create your own personal fragrance composition (depending on your preference).

    Simply try them out and enjoy!
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